Monday, 18 May 2015

Configuring a Data Source For Java EE Applications

In this tutorial you'll learn how to configure a Data Source (Database) for your application . I will be using the Java Persistence API  to demonstrate the examples.  What this API does is that it simply helps you to map Entity Beans (Special Java Bean) to tables in your database. It also helps you to define relationships e.g one to many between tables. In this tutorial, ill only show you how to use its high level features. Here is a nice Java Persistence Tutorial by Oracle  for further reading.

Step 1 : Create Database
Start  MySQL server (or any DB server)  and create a database called UserReg. For MySQL users , you can use phpmyadmin that comes with XAMPP or WAMP to do this quickly

Step 2 :  Create a Persistence Unit

  1. Right click on source packages in your project and select "New > Persistence Unit". You'll see a window similar to the screen shot below;

2. Type in the persistence unit name as shown above.

3. Next you need to create a data source. This is the database you created earlier in step 1 above. Select the Data Source drop down  and click "New Data Source". You'll see a window similar to the one shown below.

4 . Type in the JNDI Name as jdbc/userreg . In the Database Connection drop down, select "New Database Connection". You'll see a window similar to the one shown below.

5 . Since we are using MySQL DBMS, select "MySQL(Connector/J Driver) Driver" and click Next. You'll see a window similar to the one shown below.

6. Enter the name of the database you created in Step 1 Above. In this case "UserReg" , enter user name and password of your database and click "Test Connection". On successful connection you'll see a window similar to the one below.

7 . Click Finish . This should take you back to the window in step 3 above. You'll see your database connection URL is selected on the Database connection drop down as shown below.

8. Click Ok to return to the persistence wizard window as shown below.

9 ) Click finish to complete and close the persistence unit wizard. 

Congrats ! You've successfully configured a data source for your application.In the next tutorial, ill show you how to write code that will persist/insert users into your new DB. 



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